This page only contains information about the English Learning Exchange community, available at
Using this service
This service is run by STRAT7 Researchbods, a division of STRAT7 Limited. We want as many people as possible to be able to use this service. For example, that means you should be able to:
- change colours, contrast levels and fonts
- zoom in up to 300% without the text spilling off the screen
- get from the start of the service to the end using just a keyboard
- get from the start of the service to the end using speech recognition software
- listen to the service using a screen reader (including the most recent versions of JAWS, NVDA and VoiceOver)
We’ve also made the text in the service as simple as possible to understand.
AbilityNet has advice on making your device easier to use if you have a disability.
How accessible this service is
We know some parts of this website are not fully accessible.
Feedback and contact information
If you have difficulty using this service, contact us by:
email -
Non accessible content
The content listed below is non-accessible for the following reasons.
Level A Conformance Accessibility Issues
- Some of the decorative images used on this site have descriptive text, which is picked up by screen readers. This means screen readers announce these descriptions, which can cause audio clutter for screen reader users.
- Text heading levels can be used by screen readers to understand the structure of the page. Where text heading levels increase by more than one level this can cause confusion in page navigation. Som areas of the community have text heading levels which increase by more than one.
- Some question types are not grouped together with the form containing the question. This means the screen reader does not automatically announce these options, which can cause confusion for screen reader users.
- Some text input areas are not grouped together with the form containing the question. This means the screen reader does not automatically announce these options, which can cause confusion for screen reader users.
- Visual separators are used on the site - both horizontal lines and vertical lines. These can be focussed on when navigating through the site using a keyboard, and as such screen readers can announce these visual elements.
- Some of the decorative images used on this site have descriptive text, which is picked up by screen readers. This means screen readers announce these descriptions, which can cause audio clutter for screen reader users.
- There is a carousel in the users profile section which is not announced correctly by screen readers, meaning it can be confusing for screen reader users to interact with.
Level AA Conformance Accessibility Issues
- Text on the site does not scale with the text size setting within browsers, potentially making the site more difficult to use.
- The site does not respond to pinch zoom on mobile browsers, potentially making the site more difficult to us
- Some buttons on the site use a title label, which whilst functioning, is no longer considered best practise for screen reader support.
- Some interactive links/buttons do not show a visual selection when tabbed to via the keyboard. This can make the site less clear to users that interact using the keyboard.
Compliance status
This website is partially compliant with the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines version 2.1 AA standard, due to the non-compliances listed above.
Preparation of this accessibility statement
This statement was prepared on 15.06.21. It was last reviewed on 15.06.21.